Saturday, June 30, 2012

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 4: We'll Meet Again Online

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 4: We'll Meet Again Online. This upcoming episode 4 will eventually make all of the fans crave for some more. We'll Meet Again episode is directed by Romeo Tirone and written by Alexander Woo which will be air on July 1, 2012. Seems like Sookie have already confessed to Alcide about everything and this made Alcide very depressed for Sookie did not trust him. The search for Russell is still ongoing but Eric and Bill are afraid for they might failed their mission and their lives will be in danger. Maybe some of you are wondering what will be the role of Russel why it seems like he is so important for Eric and Bill's lives are in danger in exchange to Russel's life. No one knows yet so better watch true blood season 5 episode 4 full online to find out.
Previously we have witnessed how Alcide find out about the truth in Sookie's secret. This really made Alcide very disappointed. Another scene I love most in previous episode, is when Tara run away and asked help of Sam. Seeing Tara made Alcide very scared in a moment and later suggested to call Sookie and Lafayette since they are Tara's friend. Sookie and Lafayette did had a difficult time searching for Tara but later found out that she was under the care of Sam. At the Authority headquarters, Nora was still in danger because she was  still under interrogation. To find out more about your favorite characters life, Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 4 full Online this coming Sunday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 - Whatever I Am, You Made Me

It is always worthy to watch True Blood television series. Now on its 3rd episode, expect more intense action and thrilling scenes from your favorite characters. Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online free and find out if Eric and Bill will be set free. Will the Authority allow them to do their promise mission in capturing Russell Edgington? Now that Russell was proven alive, what would be the next intense role he will do? How about Sookie, Lafayette and Tara? What would be the next fate they would face now that Tara becomes so stronger after turning her into vampire? 
There are a lot of exciting scenes that we need to watch out. Watch it online to be updated. I assure you, you won't regret devoting your time on it. To read more and watch about True Blood Season 5 Episode 3, just have this link ... Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online and from here you will be enjoying watching your favorite television series true blood. 
Previously in True Blood Season 5, Tara was totally turned into vampires and became so strong. She don't even know her friends Sookie and Lafayette. On the other part, Eric and Bill were now on the hands of the Authority and their life might be in danger. They were put into prison and was cast some ultraviolet rays that made them into so much pain. The two of them got interrogated and was tortured. Until such time while facing their final death, they right away beg to exchange their lives in return of Russel Edgington. At first the Authority won't believed them because they knew Russell was dead but Eric and Bill said he's not and they can proved it.
Well, the Authority released them to hunt Russell Edgington? Well, it's up to you to find out. If you really want to know, Just watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 3 Online and enjoy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 - Authority Always Wins

After that first awesome episode of true blood season 5, another episode will make our heart bit faster as another bloody episode will be coming our way this coming  June 17, 2012. If you feel short in watching the first episode and you're craving on some more episode, better watch out for the next True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 entitled "Authority Always Wins". Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 - Authority Always Wins here.A lot of revelations will be shown in this episode 2 so don't miss this out because watching episode 1 will be useless without watching this next episode 2.
Previously on true blood season 5, we have witnessed how Tara died and how Sookie and Lafayette cleaned up her dead body as well as how they did their best just to make Tara live again. They even begged Pam to help them but with a deal that in exchange of making Tara a vampire Sookie must stay away with Eric. Jason was visited by Rev. Steve Newlin and Rev confessed to him that he was a proud Gay American Vampire and he had feelings with Jason actually. Jason at first told him that he was flattered but ended up on dumping Rev that made Rev very angry. When he was scaring Jason, Jessica came out into the scene and fight out with Rev and make love with Jason as well. Alcide knew that Sookie's life iwll be in danger upon the return of Russel Edgington's and he offered her to come with him but Sookie refused the offer. When Sookie and Lafayette were about to digged up Tara and Pam, they thought they failed in turning Tara into vampire when suddenly Tara came out and that make Sookie so scared. That was the last scene in True Blood Season 5 Episode 1.
Take a look at true blood season 5 episode 2 preview and find out what would be the next excitement in this upcoming episode 2.

Now, continue to witness what will happen to Sookie now that Tara come back for life. Will she come to take revenge? Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 2 Online free full and find out more about the vampires and werewolves.