Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 9 Online free: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 9 Online free: Everybody Wants to Rule the World. The vampires headed by Russell Edgington is taking over the human world! What would become of humans? Including Sookie of course! Though she has faerie powers, the possibility of danger is still around her. Now that Bill is already a part of Lilith's power...loving the freedom he have...Sookie's life will probably be in danger. Let's see what love can do if you are under the power of the most powerful vampire ever. And Eric? After what Godric had told him, seemed like he woke up from that nightmares of their own making. Trying to save his sister Nora, Eric did talked to her and convinced her that Lilith is not true. Bud her mind and her heart is already closed. If Eric really don't want to be a part of that Authority anymore, he must escape to avoid death in the hands of Russell Edgington. What will happen now to the human world now that sooner they will be under the control of vampires. Sookie must do something about it. But her problem about their parents death was not solved yet. Let's just watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 9 online free here and find out more about Sookie.
Previously, Salome, Nora, Bill, Russell and the rest of the Chancellors seemed so happy after that feast they made in the club except Eric. Godric talked to him and he realized that what he was doing was bad. Thinking about what Godric said, he needs to save his sister on the belief she has right now. Belief that will direct her into her own danger. But if Lilith is true, then they must be out of danger. But Bill, he must be the one to agree with Eric but seems like he is not into Eric anymore. He must be enjoying tasting the blood of the innocents. He was feed by Salome and was shaken by a distant memory. Left no choice but to suck the blood of a mom in front of him. Until when will Bill stand up with Russell Edgington? It's for you to find out. Watch True Blood Season 5 Episode 9 full online this August 5, 2012 and see for yourself some unexpected scenes that you don't think it will happen.                 

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